– Cannabis Hospitality Done Right. #StayHighFam

How Cannabis Smoke Is Different Than All Other Smokes (Part 2: Cannabis Vs All Other Smoke)

Cannabis Smoke

In part 1 we discussed how RADICALLY different cannabis smoke is from tobacco smoke.

Now, in part 2, we will go deeper into a handful of other types of smoke exhaust and see how they compare.

In part 1, we discover the SHOCKING difference between cannabis smoke and tobacco smoke.

We learn that tobacco smoke has radioactive radiation that gets inside your lungs which alters & mutates your DNA, thus triggering cancer into existence.

Also, we learned that over 50% of the cancer causing radiation smoke gets spread to others from the smoker “exhaling” the radioactive smoke into the surrounding area.

Everyday, tobacco kills close to 1,300 people and the larger parts of society mostly doesn’t care about it unless the death is “directly” affecting them.

This appears to be one of the “secrets” that large industries use in keeping their organizations protected from profit loss, as they use their twisted logic to justify their existence and alleged contributions to society.

Knowing this springs up more questions about big industries pumping all sorts of smoke exhaust into the atmosphere and labeling it as “SAFE” enough.


What about hard drugs makes them so harmful?


What about everyday fires and smoke makes them dangerous?

The follow is a short list of every days types of smoke we don’t really give two thoughts too causing harm or damage to the environment:


No one is REALLY talking about these potentially HIGHLY dangerous forms of smoke, yet, humanity seems to increase the rate at which we use them.

All of these “everyday” sources of smoke are dangerous because they all have (CO) Carbon Monoxide in them.

Carbon Monoxide is dangerous because it is colorless, odorless, & tasteless gas that could lead to all sorts of health problems, with death being a very real possibility.

Somehow, we as a society have “shaped” our world in which we are dependent on “dangerous” energy sources that maintain our survival and basic comforts.

Slowly humanity is waking up to the dangers of these energy sources and are steadily replacing them with safe renewable forms of energy, such as solar and wind power.

Is it too late?


Are these LARGE industrial corporations the worst of the worst in terms of pumping out toxic smoke into the atmosphere?

It almost goes without saying that the large corporations are the largest distributors of toxic smoke world wide.

With their large corporations and their giant factories there is no doubt a HUGE release of poisonous gases gets let out into our atmosphere.

These Large industrial complexes produce all sorts of toxic smoke & wastes.

Just to name a few, there’s no way we can even begin to think these corporations are doing good with how much smoke they pollute the Earth with.

Coal mining and the subsequent burning of, have a whole host of negative effects for humans and our planet.

It’s hard to pin a specific number on just HOW MUCH DEATH “non” cannabis related industries force on humanity.

The only number I really need to know, is that all these “other” industries have killed more than one person.

Just one is one death too many.

If what you have created has killed even one person, you are probably not doing a good enough job and being a human who contributes and elevates society.

Are these numbers extreme or reasonable?

Is it reasonable to desire technology that doesn’t kill people?

What’s so hard about producing a widget that won’t harm anyone?

As of now, we have a reality where we have a plant that could very well lead us to technology that will kill zero and save millions.

Why is it so hard to do the right thing?

It’s never too late to do the right thing.

And that’s just what we cannabis enthusiasts are doing.

Those who have received the proper information on cannabis have COMPLETELY WAKEN UP to the powerful potential to, quite literally save humanity.

As dangerous as it is to burn all these other forms of fuel, what about burning cannabis oil?

What happens if we burn cannabis/hemp oil as a fuel source?

What distinguished cannabis exhaust (smoke) from all other types of byproducts?

Specifically, the question is, will burning hemp oil cause any sort of dangerous toxicity that could potentially lead to death?

Short answer is no, and I’ll explain why right now.

We know cannabis smoke is a very unique and special type of smoke that tends to heal just about anything and everything it touches.

Another “core” questions is, will cannabis smoke heal the environment of Earth?

As much healing as the smoke of cannabis heals the human body, it is completely reasonable to think and wonder if cannabis smoke will heal Earth.

Here’s how we know cannabis will save the world from death due to the human hand.

When burning hemp oil, the byproduct of the exhaust is “steam” water (H2O) & carbon dioxide (CO2).

When combusting, the carbon bonds with oxygen and CO2 is released into the atmosphere.


The result of burning hemp oil as fuel give you water and the stuff you exhale from your mouth when you naturally breath.

Cannabis as fuel is non-polluting and uses the CO2 created from the burning exhaust in next cycles plant growth.

The beauty of the CO2 emission from burning cannabis is how the growing cannabis plants will absorb ALL the CO2 produced through burning.

Cannabis has what physics calls a “closed-cycle” of operation.

What it puts out, it reabsorbs it right back during the next harvest.

Thus leaving a zero carbon footprint and COMPLETELY distinguishing itself from ALL other types of smoke and exhaust, leaving nothing to waste.


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