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Netflix, Puff and Chill

Samurai Gourmet

Netflix, Puff and Chill : “Samurai Gourmet”
by Maishah Asante-English


As I was scrolling through Netflix, I happened upon a title called “Samurai Gourmet.” Initially intrigued by the word combo, Samurai Gourmet, and trying to visualize what the heck it could be about, I decided to go for it.  Based on a Japanese manga book by Kanna Himaya, “Samurai Gourmet” is three parts cookbook and one-part history book. Netflix put its cool spin on the concept and the result is a winning 12-part first season. Several hours later (no binge-watching intended), I was ready to watch it all over again…and I did.

Without spoiling this fabulous concoction of food porn, fantasy and humor, “Samurai Gourmet” takes viewers on the journey of newly retired 60-year old Takeshi Kasumi, a popular actor in Japan who has also overdubbed movie roles for Sam Jackson, George Clooney and Val Kilmer.

Through subtitles viewers follow Takeshi (played by Naoto Takenaka) on his quest for the perfect meal. Throughout this culinary journey he channels his inner, younger persona, known as the Wandering Samurai. Also a part of his exploration is his wife, who sets the tone for food as each day begins. Witty and a perfect fit, this couple have raised the bar for my relationship goals. Anymore I say would spoil it.

The series is truly food porn at it’s best. Watch as Takeshi relishes every morsel and reminisces with each bite. The crackle of the butter in the pan, the steam from the bowl of noodles, the sizzle of the meat on the grill…. too bad there is no such thing as smell-o-vision. But I digress. Each episode of “Samurai Gourmet” runs about 20 minutes, just long enough to hold the average stoner’s attention, yet interesting enough for that stoner to  want to more!

A gourmet fantasy…what life could be if we could all eat without holding back…a foodie’s best dream of all time. 

** Warning: Will induce binge eating so enjoy responsibly!

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