The first thing that will strike you about BlueBird Botanicals?
Nothing is half-assed at this company. From the authenticity that greets you as soon as you walk through the door, to the proactive self-regulation they do with their products; every soul that works at Bluebird Botanicals feels like a kindred spirit.
And it pervades their entire company, They’re like a freaking vortex of positive energy.
It starts with their passion and love of all things natural and botanical. They just love plants, and anything out of alignment with this deep and abiding love just feels, wrong to them. They aim to make a positive impact on humanity and the world, and in the process, ensure their products are of the highest quality and that their business practices have minimal impact on the environment.
You see it in their eyes. You feel it in their products. You know, they whole-heartedly believe in the benefits that humanity can experience when medicinal plants are added to our lifestyles, and the Bluebirds do their utmost to spread this information to everyone. It’s no wonder that Bluebird Botanicals are an approved buyer through Kentucky’s hemp pilot program, a stringent research program with limited participants. Bluebird self-regulates with their 3rd-party batch testing system, meaning that every product they sell has a batch number that you can use to look up the ingredients and concentrations of cannabinoids and other botanical ingredients.
Bluebird as a company is the standard bearer for how a botanical company (really ANY company) should be run. Not only do they navigate being a supplement company being regulated by the FDA, they also successfully interpret the laws regarding hemp and it’s legal production and use.
Essentially Bluebird Botanicals is a full spectrum hemp extraction company. As implied in their name, they believe in the synergy of other botanicals supporting hemp and the enormous implications those synergies have in facilitating humans experiencing healthier lifestyles.

Michael Harinen, Chief Brand Officer of Bluebird Botanicals, radiates enthusiasm for cannabis. He patiently educated me on several key concepts, and generously showed me their entire operation. Mike basically embodied the mission that Bluebird Botanicals has set for themselves, to provide exemplary customer service to everyone they come in contact with. Their philosophy is to invite everyone to think differently about their health, the environment and sustainability. They provide direction in finding the widely available information that is out there, even if you’re not a customer! They encourage you to think critically about what you know about hemp. and they seek to empower everyone that wants to know more about the possibilities of the hemp plant.
The original and best-seller. C02 extracted hemp yields a full spectrum oil with over 80 cannabinoids, including CBD, as well as many other constituents like amino acids, vitamins B & D, and omega fatty acids – including an ideal balance of omega 3 & 6. This product’s base oil is organic virgin hemp seed oil from seeds grown in Canada.
Developed to combine the most health-promoting aspects of hemp into one blend. The Complete is a trifecta of hemp extracts: activated CO2 extract – also featured in the Classic blend, raw CO2 hemp extract – providing the acid form of the cannabinoids like CBDA, THCA, etc., and a steam-distilled terpene blend – a potent activator of the cannabinoids in the other two extracts. This trio of concentrated hemp is based in organic olive oil instead of hemp, which allows those with oxalate sensitivities to partake.
Their first blend which combines other botanics. As I said, Bluebird believes many other plants can work synergistically with hemp in order to assist people in achieving their best health. The Signature blend takes the base of the Classic and adds black seed oil (Nigella sativa) and frankincense essential oil (Boswellia carterii).
Michael Harinen’s personal favorite. Another combination of botanics in the Classic base. This one was developed by request for a group of retired NFL players. The stars of the Brainpower blend are algae-derived astaxanthin – a class of terpene considered to be the strongest antioxidant in the world, helichrysum essential oil (Helichrysum italicum), and MCT oil – the Bulletproof coffee fave.
At their current headquarters, there are smiling welcoming people that clearly love with they do. Even in the cramped quarters, they are kind and supportive, and you can tell that they love each other. There is a great vibe here, one that makes you wish you could be part of their tribe. And hey, guess what? They want you to be. They are building a family of independent thinkers that have informed themselves about hemp and botanicals. In fact, I am secretly thinking of running away to Broomfield and setting up a cot in their office. The great part is, they are so kind, they would probably let me.
- Happy Green Day Nevada! - July 1, 2017
- Why Cinco De Mayo? - May 4, 2017
- Bluebird Botanicals - April 23, 2017
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