What are the cannabis laws in Las Vegas? What do I need to know?
Purchasing, Private and Public Usage, and Cultivation Regulations
Las Vegas, Nevada's has passed both medical and recreation marijuana laws allowing persons over 21 years of age to purchase and use cannabis legally. There are lots of regulations you need to be aware of regarding public and private usage, hotel usage, where to purchase and consume. Read below for everything you need to know before enjoying cannabis in Las Vegas.
Age Requirements
In order to purchase legal recreational cannabis in Nevada you must be age 21 or older, with proof of age, on the day of purchase.
Purchasing Limits
Residents and visitors alike may purchase up to one ounce of cannabis and/or up to 3.5 grams of concentrate.
Adults aged 21 and up may possess up to 12 plants at one time. More than six in the flowering stage at a time is in violation of the law.
Proximity to Dispensaries
In order to legally cultivate medical cannabis in your home you need to live 25 miles or beyond from a dispensary. Although, if you are a growing cannabis at home within that distance who is cultivating a strain not found at local dispensaries OR are unable to leave your home in order to purchase your medical cannabis you may be permitted to continue your home growing.
Safety and Security
In order to legally cultivate medical cannabis in your home you need to live 25 miles or beyond from a dispensary. Although, if you are a growing cannabis at home within that distance who is cultivating a strain not found at local dispensaries OR are unable to leave your home in order to purchase your medical cannabis you may be permitted to continue your home growing.

Age Requirements
There is no age requirement for Medical Marijuana licensure in Nevada. Minors may become patients with the signature of a parent or guardian on the Nevada “Minor Release” form.

Purchasing Limits
Residents with a current medical marijuana card and visitors that enjoy the benefit of reciprocity are able to purchase 2.5 ounces total of usable cannabis whether it be flower, edibles, infusions, etc every 14 days.

If you are a medical marijuana patient in another state, you may legally use your medical marijuana card (or doctor’s recommendation for cannabis) in Nevada to purchase medical marijuana provided that you have the card (or recommendation) and that it is currently applicable and not expired.
Getting A Medical Card
If you are a medical marijuana patient in another state, you may legally use your medical marijuana card (or doctor’s recommendation for cannabis) in Nevada to purchase medical marijuana provided that you have the card (or recommendation) and that it is currently applicable and not expired.
Medical marijuana patients may possess up to 12 plants at one time. Only six of these plants are to be in the flowering stage however, more than six and you will be in violation of the medical marijuana laws.
Dispensary Proximity
In order to legally cultivate medical cannabis in your home you need to live 25 miles or beyond from a dispensary. Although, if you are a growing cannabis at home within that distance who is cultivating a strain not found at local dispensaries OR are unable to leave your home in order to purchase your medical cannabis you may be permitted to continue your home growing.
Safety and Security
All plants must be entirely enclosed and secured behind lock and key. Anyone that has the key or enters the enclosed area must be over age 21. This excludes any outdoor grow, as the ability to fully enclose and secure it would not be possible.
Where to Purchase in Nevada

Private Use Only
In Nevada, it is only legal to use marijuana, medical or recreational, in private and completely out of view of the public.
Public Use Is Illegal
Using cannabis in any space that the public is invited or able to access freely is considered a public space. This includes federal land - such as national parks and military bases as well as federally subsidized housing.
Use In A Vehicle Is Illegal
Consuming cannabis inside a vehicle is illegal in Nevada.
Most Hotels are Illegal
Because state law still opposes the federal law in regards to cannabis use, many hotels and resorts in Las Vegas aren’t taking the risk of openly allowing cannabis use, in order to meet gaming compliance regulations
Illegal Consumption
If caught by police consuming in public, in a vehicle or in a hotel that prohibits it, you will be subject a misdemeanor charge. That charge could earn you 6 months in jail, a $1,000 fine or both. Additionally, community service is often assigned in these cases as well.
In A Vehicle
In Nevada, it is only legal to use marijuana, medical or recreational, in private and completely out of view of the public.
Over State Lines
Using cannabis in any space that the public is invited or able to access freely is considered a public space. This includes federal land - such as national parks and military bases as well as federally subsidized housing.
Sending in the mail
Consuming cannabis inside a vehicle is illegal in Nevada.
Most Hotels are Illegal
Because state law still opposes the federal law in regards to cannabis use, many hotels and resorts in Las Vegas aren’t taking the risk of openly allowing cannabis use, in order to meet gaming compliance regulations
Illegal Consumption
If caught by police consuming in public, in a vehicle or in a hotel that prohibits it, you will be subject a misdemeanor charge. That charge could earn you 6 months in jail, a $1,000 fine or both. Additionally, community service is often assigned in these cases as well.